Saturday, February 9, 2008

Duelling Billboards!

OK, this is just fun: Duelling with the "God Speaks" billboards.

Now, I will admit that I had a "That 'love that neighbor' thing? I mean that." T-shirt, and loved it. Was very sad when the cotton wore out, and I'd happily get another. (Was even sadder when my "Love 'em all, let God sort 'em out" shirt wore out, because they're not made any more. :( ) I like the shot at the way the more important tenants of Christianity have been ignored in favor of trivial, superceded, and hate-mongering ones.
And I find a lot of the Godspeaks stuff fairly innocuous.
But then they ran out of good ones, and started getting annoying and insulting. Like, say, the "Big Bang theory? You've gotta be kiddin' me" one. Good way to take already non-Universal statements, narrow the fuck out of them, and make them insulting to those outside the circle. Do you really think that's going to encourage people to join your side?

Anyway, enjoy the hypocrisy smack-down. I did. :)

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