Saturday, July 12, 2008

You know what else?

Link-hopping off of [info]ldragoon's "Spec Fic Wank" post, I find a mention that James Watson is racist. James Watson... Oh, Watson and Crick DNA double-helix Watson.
Yup, he's racist. You know what else? He's sexist, too. And much of the work he's credited for was actually done by a woman named Rosalind Franklin. But, you see, she didn't have a penis, but she wasn't really pretty and feminine and ladylike either. So Cambridge didn't really want her getting credit for the discovery of the decade. So they just kind of gave her research to the guys without asking her or giving her credit. And she was even nice enough to die before she could make a big stink out of it.
Sadly, someone can be a brilliant scientist and still be a huge wanker. My reading suggests that James Watson is very much a product of his times -- and unfortunately those times were the 1950s.

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