Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's *ALWAYS* the economy, stupid.

Dear Senator McCain,
Thank you for resolutely refusing to talk about, much less have a workable proposal to address, the biggest issue in this country right now, the one that is on just about everyone's lips. In all your much-vaunted years of experience, surely you've seen how often this one single issue wins or loses an election under normal circumstances. Here we are in terribly abnormal circumstances, possibly facing the worst economic disaster in 80 years, yet you refuse to talk about it unless your arm is absolutely twisted. Then you suggest the same policies that got us into this mess, funded by taking money away from the people who need it most. Then you try to divert to absolutely stupid shit.
By the way, thank you for your absolutely stupid shit, too. You've already got the insane bigot vote, after all. As for undecided voters, I have enough faith in my fellow citizens to think that "Obama is a terrorist" is the level of Big Lie that makes people go "WTF? That can't be right." And when they hear what the real deal is with that Ayers guy, you look like a fucking moron. You look like a half-senile dimwit who's grasping at the tiniest of straws because he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Which is what you are, so I appreciate your honesty.
Keep up the good work. You're giving me a glimmer of hope that there might be a chance for this country after all.

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