Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Enough with the Prop 8 Racist Crap.

I'm so sick of the B.S. racial blaming here.

1) Why are we talking about the 856,000 black people that voted for Prop 8, but NOT the 3,774,000 white people and 1,180,000 Hispanic people? 5 and 3/4 as many white and hispanic people (4 1/2 times as many white people alone) voted for Prop, and somehow it's the black voters' fault the thing passed? There are people who deserve to be beaten over this sort of misinformation.

2) Is it just me, or does some of the "this happened because black voters came out to vote for Obama" rhetoric sound an awful lot like "Black people shouldn't vote" and/or "a black man shouldn't have been running"?

3) Anyone else notice that some of the white anchors reporting on how this was black people's fault look a little... sheepish? "Gosh, I sure hope no one guesses which way I voted while I'm blaming the black people."

4) And finally, fellow white folk, how about we shut up about why we think 70% of black voters supported Prop 8, and actually go talk to some black voters who went that way and find out why. Let's get some information on what activist failure was here, and fix it. Because that kind of statistical flyer, however small in absolute numbers, shows a serious and embarrassing problem in tactics.

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